Many Benefits of Calendula Flower
Calendulas have many alternative names – Pot Marigolds, Mary bud, bull’s eyes, holligold, goldbloom and ruddes. In fact, the name “pot marigold” refers back to tradition of adding Marigold to the cooking pot. Marigold (its common name) is likely to owe its origin to the Virgin Mary. Its botanical or Latin name is calendula officinalis. The name Calendula has a meaning “first day of the month”, this is probably because the plants are in bloom at the start of most months of the year. Marigold is considered to be an excellent companion plant because it helps to naturally repel many insects from other flowers, herbs and vegetables. They are native to the Mediterranean countries.
Before being “discovered” by the ancient Greeks and Egyptians, calendula (calendula officinalis) was first used in Indian and Arabic cultures. The Indians use colorful wreaths of calendula to decorate Hindu temple altars and also to crown the gods and goddesses. It was used by ancient civilizations since a long time ago as topical ointments and washes for ulcers and wounds. It was well known to the herbalist as garden flower and for use in medicine and cookery. Only the deep orange-flowered of calendula officinalis that have the medicinal properties.
Healing Properties
People have been using the flower petals of the calendula for medicinal purposes. High amount of flavonoids is contained in the plant which is helpful to protect the body against cell-damaging free radicals. What active ingredients in calendula that are responsible for its healing properties, the researchers are not sure yet. The plant has antiviral, anti genotoxic, anti tumor, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Marigold flower contains saponins which produce the anti inflammatory properties. According to pharmacological studies (primarily in Europe), calendula flowers promote metabolism of proteins and collagen, this means that they also help to grow new, healthy cells.
Marigold is chiefly used as a local remedy. Its action is diaphoretic and stimulant. Usually calendula is used externally for its antiseptic and healing properties in treating burns, skin infections, punctures, cuts, scrapes, abrasions, blisters, scalds, rashes (including diaper rash), acne and athlete’s foot. Also they are useful in the treatment of varicose veins.
Calendic Acid
Calendula teas and tinctures can be helpful for gastritis, food allergies and irritable bowel problems. The extracted oil from calendula seeds contains calendic acid. This omega-6 fatty acid is only found in calendula and is used as an antiseptic. A study found that calendic acid also has anti cancer activity and has good potency to fight against colon cancer cells.
A marigold flower, rubbed on the affected parts, is an admirable remedy for the swelling and pain caused by the sting of a bee or wasp. The lotion made from these flowers is used mostly for wounds and sprains, and a water distilled from them is good for sore eyes and inflamed.
The ancient Romans used the flower to treat scorpion bites. Calendula was used by the doctors on the battlefield to treat open wounds in the American Civil War.
Calendula petals are also used in salads, soups and stews. When eaten as salad, it’s been considered useful in the scrofula of children, the plant’s acrid qualities have caused it to be good recommendation as an extirpator of warts. The leaves or petals can be used in a tea to induce sweating, increase urination, promote menstruation, relieve stomach cramps, stomachaches and indigestion, and for relief from fevers and flu.
Marigold flowers are in demand for children’s ailments. An infusion of freshly-gathered flowered is employed in fevers, as it promotes perspiration and throws out any eruption. In order to bring out smallpox and measles, a decoction of these flowers can be used (in the same manner as Saffron).
There are many skin and cosmetic preparations which contain calendula. The calendula lotion can be used to nourish and clear the skin as well as to clear up spots and pimples. Strain, pour into glass or plastic bottles and refrigerate. An infusion can be made in order to aid digestion or also as a healing mouthwash for gums. This cheerful garden flower also can be used as an excellent skin healer both in soaps and in salves.
A hair rinse with calendula reduces dandruff. As a beauty aid, a calendula rinse made of unsweetend tea brings out the highlights in brunette and blonde hair. You can try also running bath water over a mesh bag full of these flowers for a stimulating and refreshing bath that is good for the skin.
A yellow dye has also been extracted by boiling from the flower. They have been used for soft cheese and butter.
There has been no reported side effects or interactions (unless you are allergic to Calendula), but do always talk to your doctor before considering using Calendula internally.
More about Calendula Flower.